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Academic Background

I am a final-year PhD Candidate in Health Data Science at the University of Cambridge, on the Health Data Research UK-Turing Wellcome PhD Programme in Inouye Lab, supervised by Angela Wood, Mike Inouye, and Sam Lambert. My thesis focuses on assessing and improving algorithmic fairness in clinical prediction models, including using polygenic risk scores.

Before my PhD, I was a DeepMind Scholar in MPhil Advanced Computer Science at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory, supervised by Neil Lawrence. I specialised in AI and ML courses, and my thesis topic was ``Fairness and the bias-variance trade-off”. I am a member of Clare Hall College.

I completed my first-class BSc in Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, with visiting student placements at the University of British Columbia and the University of Waterloo.

After my undergraduate degree, I worked as an AI research consultant, where I joined a start-up company building artificial intelligence software for autonomous vehicles. Here, my research was on the implementation and optimisation of multi-objective route planning algorithms. For this work, I have two patents: Vehicle Route Guidance and Target Speed Optimisation.

I especially love the collaborative elements of research, learning from people from with different perspectives - feel free to get in touch for a chat via Twitter/X or e-mail cic31[at]!

Publications & Patents

Academic Talks

Public Engagement & Science Communication

I am keen to be involved in more science communication work, as I believe public engagement should be a core part of research.


Academic Activities

Other Projects

Personal Interests

Singing is one of my favourite hobbies, and I am a member of Clare Hall Choir. Elsewhere, I have been a soloist, lead vocalist, backing vocalist, and chorister in genres ranging from rock to classical!

I am also passionate about sustainability, and in particular, local sustainability initiatives and growing food. I co-founded the University of Cambridge Allotment Society, where we built a community to grow fruit and vegetables sustainably, and donate excess to local charities. This included writing grant applications for funding, managing the day-to-day running of the allotment, and social media management.

I love learning new things, meeting new people, and keeping active; I have taken up various hobbies to feed this curiosity. I adore travelling, especially exploring nature! My other hobbies include hiking, dancing (ex-UK freestyle display team), yoga, digital art, and photography. I also train in Fujian White Crane Kung Fu and rowed in Clare Hall Boat Club, where I was social secretary and organised the inaugural international training camp for the club.